Thursday, November 10, 2011

fingers and toes

And she's done it!  

Just 9 days after she started wearing her little thumb guard (which we've been calling her princess pocket), Lily has officially been without it for 36 hours and not sucked her thumb ONCE!

No one is more proud of her than she it, but I am admittedly REALLY thrilled.  Tomorrow she gets her motivation present...a princess crown!  SO thankful that almost three years of thumb sucking is over, and SO grateful that breaking the habit was so not a big deal!  She only cried about it once the entire time!

 Yesterday I told her it was grandma's birthday, and she wanted to make grandma a card...she's getting SO good at drawing!

 Micheline has been sick a lot lately, so yesterday Lily got to go to school with Mommy and Poppy...she loved it, for about 30 minutes, then wanted to go home and play :)

 And just as Lily stops sucking her thumb, Sofie starts sucking her toes...oh well!


elisa said...

YYAAAYYYY good job lily!!!! she's such a big girl! :)

Amber said...

Way to go Lily!! So glad it wasn't a big struggle for all of you :)