Thursday, September 15, 2011


It started with Janiel's wife Peninah calling Sofie "So So".  The next day, Granny called her the same thing, and suddenly, no one is calling her anything else.  We now have a Li-Li (lee-lee) and a So-So.  

It suits her.  
 So-So  hates lying down.  Hates it.  Lay her on the couch, and she starts crying.  She wants to be sitting up or standing up all the time, wants to be facing out so she can see everything, and does not want snuggled unless she is really tired.  She is so upset that she can't sit up yet, and she's just now being able to sit in Lily's bumbo for a few minutes at a time before her "abs" get tired.
 She will crane her neck all around the room to find her sister, who is always trying to get her to be able to do stuff...soon!
 I think she's looking less like Lily at this age and more and more like Matt and Aunt Lisa.
Lily at the same age, below.

She's insanely drooly and chewing on everything, so maybe she's teething already...Anyone who makes eye contact and starts talking to her can make her break out a big smile.  She's also rolling over already, which is WAY earlier than Lily was able to (but as you can also see above, Lily had a lot more chub to roll over :)

However, Lily was sleeping through the night at 2 months, and Sof is no where close to sleeping through the night yet!  Oh well.  As Granny keeps telling me, "Li-li was Li-li and So-so is So-so and you  gave them different names for a reason!"

1 comment:

Amber said...

She is so adorable!!