Friday, August 8, 2008


Today, we are officially 20 weeks pregnant, exactly halfway there! Lily is supposedly 10 inches long from head to toe and around 10 oz...almost a pound now. My pregnancy book outlines a pregnancy as 10 months, 4 weeks each month, 40 weeks. So based on this, I am 5 months along.

In so many ways it seems unbelievable that I am halfway along in this pregnancy, and in other ways it feels like I've been pregnant forever, and like another 20 weeks is an incredibly long time. We're sure it will fly, and are hoping the last 20 weeks are a little bit easier.

Lily and I celebrated by wearing our brand new maternity dress that we got in the mail yesterday (THANK YOU, Don and Brenda!) and by having homemade pizza for dinner, a rare luxury. (We have to have cheese shipped in, so we don't do a lot of pizza!)

As excited as we are for this drastic and beautiful change in our lives, we are trying to soak up the independence that we enjoy now...spending some evenings with coffee and good books, sleeping in on Saturdays, coming and going as it works for us... The Lord definitely has a time for everything, and we're adamant that we enjoy exactly what He's given us as He gives!

A year from now, Lily will be 7 months old. Now THAT is crazy!


Unknown said...

You look RADIANT honey!!
Big hugs to all 3 :)
Auntie Cindy

June said...

Dear Matt and Stacey
I just love Lily for the name of you new baby. I've tried over the years to help name my grancchildren and three great granddaughters to no avail. So here goes!!!What do you think of these names since you are having a Christmas baby----Carol---Joy---Noel? But my very favorite is Grace. Don't you think Lily Grace
sounds great? At least I've tried!

June (New Bedford)