However, the Lord has more than answered our prayers, and while I'm not feeling nearly as good as I was in the cooler weather that Ohio and Delaware offered, I'm feeling 6 thousand times better than I was when we left...and it is hotter now than it was! I didn't even need a nap today, and as long as I'm eating something every 2 hours or so, I've been feeling good!
This really is such a praise, and we appreciate all of your prayers!!!
We have also learned that our AIDS clinic will be able to do my glucose and hemoglobin tests at week 28, something our doctor was concerned about us missing, another answer to prayer!
Our Haitian friends are overjoyed (no exaggeration, like jumping up and down) about our pregnancy! While I'm trying to not let the 4 identical yet glowing compliments of "Oh! Look! You look so fat!" get me down, everyone's excitement over us "FINALLY" having children is contagious.
I showed Micheline, a good friend, our ultrasound pictures today, something she had NEVER seen before. I showed her in each picture, "This is her head, and this is her back", but it was obvious that not only did she not recognize at all these shapes of bone and flesh as a child, but that she didn't believe me, and was politely taking my word for it so that I wouldn't feel bad :)
Everyone is also convinced that there is no way anyone could know if this baby is a boy or a girl until they are delivered, so I think people are just getting the impression that we WANT our little girl to be a little girl...again, very polite "Oh, yes"s.
Nonetheless, whenever I asked Micheline what her small children were doing at home today, she said that they were playing a game (which sounded something like jacks) with goat's eyeballs, because they bounce so very well.
So, we all just continue to learn more and more about each other's culture, and it is such a joy to share in such things with our brothers and sisters, whose hearts are always so open.
Thank you for your continued prayers!
Lilly, huh? it's beautiful! BTW, I will send Jacks!
and just you wait--lily is gonna bouce those eyeballs with the best of 'em :)
Lily -
I love it... I can not wait to tell my mom and sister - it is one of their favorites!
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