So hard to believe that four months has flown by already! Lily is blossoming at 27 inches (110% for height!) and 17 pounds (100% for weight!)She badly wants to sit up, and can do so with one hand of help...her "bobble head" is getting less shaky, EVERYTHING goes to her mouth, her teeth are beginning to hurt her, and every few days we can get some great laughs going.
She spent her birthday weekend in Port-au-Prince with Grandpa G and Grandma C, Greg and Cathie...and loved them! She got eaten alive by mosquitos, no matter what we did (as you can see!) but loved having play time with Cathie and loved snuggling into her "lazy-boy" Greg :)
Lily hates "tummy time" and gets all frustrated when put on her belly...She loves her play mat, and still favors her changing table and "Lily Frog" above all else. Loves bath time...loves looking at books, and LOVES her bouncy chair. She is so long that she can no longer lay vertically in her crib, though EVERY morning whenever I come to get her out of her crib, she has wiggled herself around and is crammed vertically again.
Lily loves to talk, and loves when she recognizes people. She doesn't like being away from home, and as much as she enjoyed Greg and Cathie, was extra fussy in Port and was happy as a clown when we returned home last night!
Her daddy is still the most amusing thing to her...and people continue to tell us that she looks 100% like him and not at all like me, or 100% like me and not at all like him. She must be ours!
Above all, she is a joyful little blessing of a baby, and we're continually so grateful for every moment with this precious gift! We're grateful to have received her, and to give her back to Him each day....
She is getting so big! She is a beautiful girl. Prayers for all of you!
Compliments !...
Ciao from Italy
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