On a different computer through a different browser we're finally able to get back on the blogs! Lily is FANTASTIC. So content, so happy, so low maintenance...we're blessed by her joy every day. She is growing longer and longer, and has graduated to size 2 diapers. She wants to sit up ALL the time, but can't do it without help, so wants held sitting up all the time. She watches EVERYTHING, smiles every time you come in the room, and loves when Matt sings ANYTHING to her.
Everything she can grab goes in her mouth, and she's laughing and giggling, which is THE best. She loves to talk, and will do so without ceasing at random times...just chatter, squeal, and make totally conversational faces the whole time.
She's not rolling over side-to-side yet, but is scooting EVERYWHERE. The moment you put her down at one end of the couch, she'll scoot as fast as she can to the other side. We can't lay her down on chairs anymore, because she'll scoot right off in two pushes. Even as it's starting to heat up, she is happy, though covered in heat rash :( What a joy Lily is!
As a side note, has anyone out there tried those new baby chair things? I think they're called "bumbo"s. Lily wants to sit up so badly, so I think she would like it, but they are RIDICULOUSLY expensive (I wouldn't pay $40 for a chair for US :)...do babies like them? Do they work (as in, hold the baby up well...feel safe?) Good investment?

She really is getting big! I see you and Matt in her. She is beautiful!
Some of my friends have the bebe pod seat, they all love it!
That is so funny that Lily wants to sit up! Carson was the same way. We got a Bumbo chair for Christmas and I used it a little while. I did feed him in it a lot when we started pureed food. But then I really started to put him in the high chair. She will be sitting up on her own before you know it! What a strong and healthy girl!
What wonderful smiles you all have!
From what everyone tells me, Yes, the chair works and yes the kids like it.
Thanks for the pictures!
Yes, these chairs work very well. I use them in Haiti with a group of disabled children and I was able to get a child who has little muscle tone sitting up for the first time. I also use them in the baby orphanage and they work great!
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