Our internet weekly updates emailed to remind us that in 8-12 weeks, we'll be holding our new baby, which really is a crazy thought!
I'm so thankful, SO thankful, that the Lord has been in control this whole time and continues to be! People and my brain keep asking, "Aren't you worried that such-and-such could happen?" or "What if you go into labor early?" and the Lord has given me such a peace to immediately recognize that the Lord IS in control here, and has been the one taking care of Lily from the start, so I think He's worthy to trust! Please keep praying for our health and for these crazy emotions that are setting in!
We are celebrating today with a wonderful box of baby goodies from June (We love the blankets! THANK YOU!), TOO cute new headbands and a teething blanket from Ricky and Aidan, and some adorable new pj's from Aunt Laura and Uncle Casey along with some great baby necessities! Great Aunt Patty sent us a pink cake mix with pink confetti icing this past week, so we think today is a good excuse to make it!
Matt continues to be wonderful, though neither of us are looking forward to separating again in just a month from today :( My class is quite disappointed that I'm going to be leaving them, though since meeting my dad a few weeks ago, completely agree that it makes more sense that I have the baby near "Mister Malcolm". The search for a substitute continues, and as of yet, life isn't slowing down at all!
Thank you for all your prayers, packages, cards, support, help (Wendy...so grateful for the pediatrician information!) and for constantly giving the three of us to the Lord!
Love you guys!
We can't wait to see you all! You look GREAT!
You look so good, Stace! Can't wait for Lily!!! :)
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