Lily must be hitting that "growth spurt" my pregnancy books keep talking about, because this morning even one of my students (to the hearty agreement of my class) proclaimed the fact that I am noticeably bigger than I was a week or two ago. Our secretary saw me speaking to a non-pregnant woman yesterday, and joyfully remarked: "Look, big belly talking to little belly!"
Ah, the joys of having your body live in one cultural state, and your mind living in another :) I'm trying not to think about how much weight I've gained and am focusing on how healthy Lily must be :)
I'm working overtime to get things prepared for me to leave November 17th...I will be able to do most of my marketing work from the States, but am putting things together for someone to cover my English classes, and for someone to feed Matt! If Lily would tell us her exact due date, and if we knew exactly how long it was going to take to get her passport, we'd be able to plan a little better :) ! All in the Lord's timing...
After feeling pretty sick this past week, and rather emotional, dear Matt took me out for lunch today, something that is incredibly difficult and inconvenient was very sweet of him! I continue to be SO grateful for him, and look forward to being a parent with him!
Give or take...62 more days!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Baby Lily's Big 3-0!
Our internet weekly updates emailed to remind us that in 8-12 weeks, we'll be holding our new baby, which really is a crazy thought!
I'm so thankful, SO thankful, that the Lord has been in control this whole time and continues to be! People and my brain keep asking, "Aren't you worried that such-and-such could happen?" or "What if you go into labor early?" and the Lord has given me such a peace to immediately recognize that the Lord IS in control here, and has been the one taking care of Lily from the start, so I think He's worthy to trust! Please keep praying for our health and for these crazy emotions that are setting in!
We are celebrating today with a wonderful box of baby goodies from June (We love the blankets! THANK YOU!), TOO cute new headbands and a teething blanket from Ricky and Aidan, and some adorable new pj's from Aunt Laura and Uncle Casey along with some great baby necessities! Great Aunt Patty sent us a pink cake mix with pink confetti icing this past week, so we think today is a good excuse to make it!
Matt continues to be wonderful, though neither of us are looking forward to separating again in just a month from today :( My class is quite disappointed that I'm going to be leaving them, though since meeting my dad a few weeks ago, completely agree that it makes more sense that I have the baby near "Mister Malcolm". The search for a substitute continues, and as of yet, life isn't slowing down at all!
Thank you for all your prayers, packages, cards, support, help ( grateful for the pediatrician information!) and for constantly giving the three of us to the Lord!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
29 weeks and Dad back home...
Lily is quite happy that Matt is finally back home, and was kicking up a storm for him last night. He brought her a little pair of the cutest house slippers and a new hat from the States...!
She ALSO got a baby bouncer from Aunt Laura and Uncle Casey this week, our first piece of baby furniture! The gifts and her new bedroom and the fact that I am leaving Haiti at 35 weeks to HAVE a baby (and that is so soon, now!) are really starting to make this all more real! Someone also sent us the DVD set of "Laugh and Learn: Delivery" and "Laugh and Learn: Newborn Care." We haven't gotten brave enough to 'laugh and learn' about delivery yet, but the newborn care DVD was great, and the model's baby's name was Lily...These videos will be our version of Lamaze classes and childcare sessions!
While everyone else in Haiti continues to call me "gwo vant" or "big belly", one dear old man continues to only call me "Ti Madame" or "little wife." I could kiss him every time, it makes me feel so much better :)
Our doctor and nurse both left permanently this past week, but I continue to be feeling well...Thank you for your continued prayers!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Lily's Nest
Grandpa got all the holes patched, the cracks filled, the walls painted and the curtain rods hung, and Lily's room is looking so good! You can't see the color very well in the photos, but it is a nice calm mocha color, which looks so good with the white curtains (we still are waiting for more curtains from Target) and white accents! Her daisy hooks are SO cute, and whenever we get a crib, it is going under the "L". We're also going to hang curtains over the closet, and we have a carpet to put down once it's time (things get SO dirty here...we're saving it in the plastic!)
I'm hoping to have a changing table built, and have little matching daisy drawer pulls! So, it's still quite empty and not finished yet, but it is looking so good, and it's SO exciting to have a "new" room for the new baby!
Friday, October 3, 2008
7 months!
Lily is 28 weeks old today, hitting the 7 month mark! I can TELL I'm seven months, too...:) She's not comfortable, I'm not comfortable, she's getting big, I'm getting big, she's getting bored, I'm getting bored :) We'll both be very ready whenever it is her perfect time to come!
Meanwhile, we're both thrilled to have "Grandpa" here helping us out...killing the spiders for us (and last night catching a huge frog in the house), changing out the propane tanks, making us rest, and painting Lily's room! It's finally starting to look like a different room. This photo is "in progress", and hopefully we'll have it finished (though void of all furniture, etc) before Dad leaves.
Thank you, Lee, for my new maternity is so nice and cool!
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