We are one week away from our third trimester, Lily is nearing 2 pounds, and we just can't believe how the weeks are flying!
We have to share a huge answer to prayer with you each. I didn't feel Lily move at all on Monday, which by Monday night was a bit concerning. Matt was sure I was worrying too much, and I kept trying to give it to the Lord. However, whenever I didn't feel her at all on Tuesday, or again on Wednesday, we were both getting really concerned. Thursday morning we tried to get her to move in every way we could, but felt nothing.
We were devastated, fighting back worry and unsure of what to do. We had been praying fervently for a miracle, but... I have no doctor to call, no women's clinic to go to, no "back up" plan for what to do whenever you are worried, no car to jump into and no hospital to head to. In tears we called our neighbor-friend over, Amy, who is a nurse. She asked us a few questions and promised to talk to our missionary doctor, Gavin. We headed to class as I battled tears through teaching. After class we headed back to the house, where Dr. Gavin and Amy were waiting, having dropped everything at our clinic (which does no prenatal or maternity or women's care). Gavin was obviously concerned as well, and put us all in his car (despite the fuel shortage) and drove us to a building Matt and I had never seen before 5 miles down the road.
We went inside, but quickly realized there was no electricity. Gavin spoke to the people inside, who also quickly informed him there was no doctor. They did, however, have an ultrasound machine. We continued to pray urgently for some way to KNOW that Lily was ok. Gavin spoke to them again, and somehow, the Lord talked them into turning on a generator somewhere. He spoke to them again through Gavin, and somehow convinced them to let HIM run the ultrasound machine. Within minutes, we were led to a VERY sketchy back room with a VERY unreliable looking ultrasound machine and left alone with this expensive piece of equipment.
The second Gavin put the dirty wand to my stomach, one thing was vibrantly clear...Lily's heart was just pounding away, beating strong and steady. It wasn't the best picture, but for several minutes we just watched her...watched her heart, saw how much she has grown, saw her little head and ribs and legs and even saw her move several times, though I couldn't feel it.
A few moments later we were back in the car with no bill and not a dry eye in the car. Whoever says that God doesn't do miracles anymore 1) hasn't seen the miracle I'm carrying right now, and 2) doesn't realize that getting a free ultrasound 5 miles from my house 1 hour after calling our neighbor IN HAITI when there was no doctor and no fuel and no electricity, IS a miracle.
All this to say that Lily is doing just fine, has been kicking up a storm since then, and I'm holding onto the miracles He continues to do in our lives, pondering all these things in my increasingly motherly heart.
The many of you who have promised lots of prayers are obviously praying...thank you so very much!