"Mommy! We have to get CLOS-er." she kept saying, and we did try!
"Lily!" I said. "Do you remember the story in our Bible about the rainbow!?"
"YES!" she exuded. "And God said, 'Spit him out!' and the big fish spit out Jonah! And the rainbow!"
So...at least I know she is listening when we read her Bible each day :)
She was very excited as we talked about Noah that the rainbow yesterday meant there would be no more storms. (she's begun to be terrified of thunder)...so I tried to explain that God didn't promise no more storms, but no more flooding the earth, which is like rain, but a LOT of rain, and she finally just shrugged her shoulders and said, "I love the rainbows!"
Then this morning she found the new wheelie-chair thing the Renners just gave us for Sofie, and insisted I put Sofie in and then proceeded to wheel her all around the house. They both loved it...the first time I've seen a glimpse of all the days ahead of the girls "playing together."
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