After 10 or so bonks to the head on the jagged, uneven tile floor, Dad found some foam puzzle mats in an old building and cleaned them up for her! She's easily pulling herself from sitting into a crawl, but once in the crawl position, just bobs up and down, willing any nearby object to come to her...Then she reaches for it, ending up on her belly again! She's close...oh my!

Aunt Lee send Lily this too cute dress...We love our polka dots! Lily is as bug bitten as can be, with new spots every day, despite a serious mosquito net! She is just too sweet...but doesn't seem bothered by them at all, though mom and dad always feel badly for her :)

Lily didn't think it was fair that Azzi got chocolate cake...

Children and chickens are two of Lily's very favorite things, and she loves Azzi and Gideon, who are both gentle and interested. She'd watch them all day long.

GIMME the camera!

See her tooth? Number two has come in right beside it, and she's working on a back side tooth.

Lily and Daddy are watching Veggie Tales together. I was determined she wouldn't watch any TV, but she just can't resist a few minutes on Saturday mornings with Dad.

Our little bird characteristically LOVES bread crumbs that she can feed herself, avocado and carrots. Not so in love with fruit, even the good stuff! She makes a yucky face for bananas, mangos and papaya...oh well!
Not a day goes by that Matt and I don't look at Lily, and then at each other and say some version of : "How could it be any better than this? I LOVE HER!"
I love her also!!! Thanks for all the pictures, she is constantly changing. God is just so good!
Love you all....
She is so cute! :)
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