Friday, July 24, 2009

teeth, heat and smiles

With one tooth in (you can see it a bit in one of these photos), heat rash like crazy, a bonked head (she fell off the bed today and bonked her head...bad, bad Mommy) and HOT temperatures, and this chick is still grinning for me. I must admit, the last three days of adjusting to life here have been difficult for her. The first day she cried whenever ANYONE spoke to her besides Matt or I, and she clearly doesn't remember anything or anyone in Haiti.

But by today she was grinning at neighbors, smiling at anyone who gave her attention, and much less cranky...she was our Lily again, and for that we were so thankful.

I always get in my mind after a hard day that it is somehow permanent. Her fear of our Haitian friends on Wednesday had me convinced that she didn't like people anymore, and her difficulty with the heat Wednesday had us concerned that she couldn't be happy in Haiti. Here we are, just two days later, and she was reaching for a stranger passing on a bike and talking up a storm and despite the head-bonking trauma, as happy as can be watching chickens, playing in the grass, sucking on ice cubes and working on her stretch-scoot-crawl.

I'm so thankful we have a Father who gives us new mercies every morning, and a baby that gives us that same grace.

AH, she looks so big!