Friday, November 7, 2008

surprise shower!

THANK YOU Angie, Dorothy, Lilibeth, Cammie, Jen, Doreen, Erica, Kate, Mary Lou, Alanna, Brianna, Dora, Daphne, Kristina and John!!! Tonight we had SUCH a blessing and a total surprise! A "last minute tea party for the kids" following our women's prayer group was actually a surprise shower for us and for Lily! We had NO idea (the thought had never even occurred to me that we would have a shower here!) and it was SO fun!

There were flowers, presents, a gorgeous from-scratch "Lily" cake and games, and Matt and I (and Lily!) just felt overwhelmingly blessed and touched! We got lots of infant diapers (didn't think it was possible for diapers to be cute!), bath stuff, some adorable outfits, a beautiful violet blanket, bottles...etc! Pulling off a lovely party like this in Haiti is JUST not easy...I have no idea where everyone found such lovely gifts and wrappings and all, but it was PERFECT. I think everyone should have a baby shower for themselves a few times a year to remind them how blessed they are to simply be loved!

Only wish I had thought to get a group photo!

Lily is 33 weeks today, and we are grateful for this Haiti family that she already has!

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