Saturday, April 20, 2013


My dad got us a gift card for Old Navy.  So, I got each of the girls their very first pair of jeans.
And I don't really know what it is...but it was like the moment they put them on, all their razzle-dazzle rose to the surface.  

They looked darn cute, and nobody knows it better than Lily and Sof!

Friday, April 5, 2013

easy peasy

Absolutely NOTHING has been easy with Sofie.  Sofie made Lily seem a breeze.  Sofie has sold us on the small family thing.  Sofie has made us compassionate for crazy-kidded parents.

Until now.  She potty trained herself, in like 2 days, because she wanted to.

Like, I had no intention of even starting to talk to her about it until she was at least two, because Sofie likes to do stuff the hard way.  And two weeks ago, she's coming to me, "Mommy, new diaper, wet."  "Mommy, new diaper, stinky" and so we pull out Lily's old frog potty, and the toddler step, the neighbors gave us a "I love my potty book" and bam...she's had an average of one accident a day since, is waking up dry in the morning asking for her potty, and doesn't need m&ms or stickers or...anything.


I'd think maybe those challenging days with Sofie are behind us, except I found her in MY bed yesterday afternoon with a FISTful of brown sugar she'd pushed a chair into the kitchen, climbed on, stole out of the pantry, and ran to hide in my bed.  

we'll take our victories :)

Monday, April 1, 2013


Very Sad.

I entirely missed March.

The girls didn't!
Here's a catch up, in pictures!

There is nothing (NOTHING) Sofie loves more than a baby-doll.  Any baby-doll.