Saturday, June 2, 2012


Lily said two things today I desperately want to hide in my heart: so I'm blogging to remember!

I was originally thinking that several of us might be driving to go see some friends today, and then it turned out that just I was going to go.  I had asked Lily if she would go with me, even if it meant she'd have to leave her beloved Aunt and Uncle.

She agreed, and while we were driving there, I said, "Hey Lil?  Thanks a lot for coming with me today.  I didn't want to be by myself."

"Well, sure, Mom!  It's 'cause I love you!"

Ah, did I feel it!

Then, after her being just FANTASTIC for four hours while the girls and I chatted, we were heading home.  As soon as we pulled away, I said, "Lily, Lily, Lily!  Listen to me!  You were SO fantastic today! You were SO SO good and I had SO much fun with you!  Why in the world are you so good?"

Without missing a beat, she said, "'Cause I know the Lord, Mom!"

MAN.  I cannot think of a sweeter or more meaningful thing my daughter ever could have said to me.  She's THREE. Without ever telling HER about it, I have prayed every day since she was in my belly that she would come to know and love and resemble the Lord, above all else.

I mean, I've never even heard her say "Lord" before, just always God and Jesus...she just had me in tears...Praise the Lord for His daughter.  I need to remember to have good one-on-one time with my daughters like this in the future years.

Tomorrow we are all off to the zoo for Sofie's 1st Birthday party!


Amber said...

Oh man! There is just NOTHING better than that!! My heart is just so happy to hear that...I can't imagine how happy yours must feel! Children are the best!!

Nate and Molly said...

This brings tears to my eyes. THAT is the power of prayer at work. There is no way you could make Lily say something like that, it comes from the heart with the Spirit at work in her! Just awesome!