Thursday, November 19, 2009


Lily is doing new things every day lately and we're just working to keep up with her. She LOVES her "Doggie" and from the moment she wakes up, she will look at you, look all around, and say, "Doggie? Doggie! Doggie!" The search is on. Even when we pull in the driveway now to the house, she starts: Doggie! Doggie!

Shay is super patient with her pulling at her lips, bopping her on the head and picking at her teeth :) There is no doubt that Shay is Lily's favorite thing right now.

A close second is my i-pod, which she has recently learned how to change songs, up and down the volume, and make the albums switch. In a 2 minute period I'll hear Christmas music, sermon lectures, the Mama Mia! soundtrack and Beethoven. She LOVES it!
Today she began standing up, without the use of a wall or piece of furniture, but all by herself from sitting. When I got home from class, she and Gerta were standing face to face, Gerta singing, both of them clapping, and Lily 'dancing' up and cute!

She is finally becoming accustomed to the new house, our visitors, and being transported back and forth. I'm thankful again for such a flexible baby!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I love the pictures with the Doggie!