Thursday, September 17, 2009

on the move...

Lily bird is getting hard to keep up with! She has also recently 'adopted' a pet cat that belongs to a neighbor...she absolutely LOVES it, and will plop down by the door and play with it (and passing chickens) all afternoon. Lily also loves to get in small spaces, and is pulling herself up on everything! Yesterday, this included the toilet...oh my.

She is getting more clingy lately and starting to protest if you take something away that she wants or put her down when she wants held! She is only 8 months, but we've starting working on "NO" and making sure she doesn't get her way...all the time :)

Lily is already a chatterbox, always telling "kitty" and chickens and anyone who will listen all about how she feels about everything!

This is not the most flattering photo, but shows off some of those new teeth!

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