Sunday, September 27, 2009

birthday, books and bouncing

Lily loved 'helping' Dad open his birthday presents...and then ate the wrapping paper.
We took Matt to town for lunch for his Birthday!
Aunt Bex sent Lily book 3 in her favorite book series! (I know, this sounds weird...but she LOVES these Barney Saltzburg books and now has all three!)

Then, Dave and Ann sent Lily this awesome bounce chair/toy! She loves it! (obviously!) Loves sitting in it, using it to stand, crawling through it...
THANK YOU, Dave and Ann!!!
Everyday, we pick a few small toys and put them in Lily's Easter basket. Throughout the day, we catch her in her room, going over each thing in her basket as if she's never seen them before! It's so cute :)
Thank you, too, Lori for some cute new clothes, Aunt Patty, for new baby food, diapers and cookies (she LOVES those baby cookies) and Grandpa and Aunt Lisa for new jammies!

No matter how many things we find to prop her head on these bumpy roads, Lily + sleeping in car = mom or dad holding her head up the whole trip :) Thanks, Grammy, for her little sheep!

She is standing up on EVERYTHING, and will stand at the front door like this all day. She can stand and stay, no problem...sitting down, she cannot do. So, she stands, sometimes for 20 minutes, and then when she can't stand anymore, wails until you come help her sit down :)

joy joy joy...funny how quickly we have forgotten life before Lily! I can't imagine that I didn't miss her the last 25 years!

Thursday, September 24, 2009



Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

beauty bird

Thursday, September 17, 2009

on the move...

Lily bird is getting hard to keep up with! She has also recently 'adopted' a pet cat that belongs to a neighbor...she absolutely LOVES it, and will plop down by the door and play with it (and passing chickens) all afternoon. Lily also loves to get in small spaces, and is pulling herself up on everything! Yesterday, this included the toilet...oh my.

She is getting more clingy lately and starting to protest if you take something away that she wants or put her down when she wants held! She is only 8 months, but we've starting working on "NO" and making sure she doesn't get her way...all the time :)

Lily is already a chatterbox, always telling "kitty" and chickens and anyone who will listen all about how she feels about everything!

This is not the most flattering photo, but shows off some of those new teeth!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Girl!

Ornery bird has been so sick and is finally herself again...crawling everywhere, chasing her golf ball from room to room, ALWAYS finding and chewing on shoes, talking up a storm, with lots of "Da-da-das" and "Ma-ma-ma's" and her newest "Ga-Ga-Ga". Every single time one of us says, "Good Girl" she says "Ga-Gar" exactly like she is trying to say the same thing! (OK, Martin, this may be a new parent imagining things, but I swear it sounds like it! And she DOES read her book! :)

Gosh, she is just so much fun! She loves Gertha, the woman who watches her from 8-10 each morning while I teach, and I frequently come home to find both of them crawling down the hall, meowing like cats or oinking like pigs :) We are SO THANKFUL for this woman the Lord has provided to share Lily with and know that she is well cared for, well loved AND having fun!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

8 months!

Our "not so girly" Lily was not nearly as thrilled by the flowers as she was by the handfuls of damp dirt! She continues to be happy, healthy, content, talkative, and is now getting into EVERYTHING, crawling and scooting everywhere. She has three teeth, is 22 pounds, and loves goats, kids, and dancing with daddy above all else. God continues to use Lily to restore the joy that we have in Him.