Thursday, March 5, 2009

not good

Lily and her red little thumb have learned a new habit! One thumb must be in her mouth, and the other hand must be in her hair! Luckily, this is only whenever she is really hungry, or really tired...I wasn't exactly excited to see this cute new trick, but two different women have informed me that "thumb suckers do poorly in school."

If my baby sister, who did this same thing, one hand to her mouth, one hand in her hair, hadn't turned out to be quite a bit more brilliant than me, I might be concerned!


Unknown said...

She is a sweetheart. Love the pictures of her room. Looks like you are enjoying that sweet little miracle of yours! Best Wishes! Jenny

dearabby said...

I don't know.. I think you and Lisa are both pretty brilliant. Lily has two talented parents, which means she has a leg up on the competition.