Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Lily!

Because Lisa and Adam had to leave today, we celebrated Lily's birthday yesterday a few days early with Grandpa and them at Chuckie Cheese!  While she had no idea what in the world everyone was doing or what all was going on, Lily had a BLAST, and especially loved the dancing characters, watching the other kiddos, and collecting her tickets.

Most, she was thrilled over her Elmo cake...Lily is just a cake (icing) kind of girl!  We had just an awesome day, and are so blessed to have had Lily in our lives for 2 whole years!  She is such a joy to us both and to those around us, and is a constant reminder to us both of His deep love and unending patience and joy for US!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

too cute Lily-isms

Lily is LOVING being on vacation!  From late bedtimes to candy flavored ice cream, she is overjoyed every moment.  With lots of new things to see, she is talking incessantly, and cracked us up yesterday and today.

The largely European crowd we are with have proved to be largely secular in a lot of ways.  Yesterday afternoon, she was playing in the baby pool while a woman with a romance novel sat in the water reading. Lily eye-balled her for a long time, and finally inched closer and closer, then pointed to her book and said, "That your Bible?"

The woman laughed, and said, "No, lovey, this is not my Bible.  Just my book."

Lily stared at her and stared at her book, and then stuck out her lower lip and looked at the ground and over her nose at the woman.  And kept staring.

Finally, the woman said, "I'm sorry hunnie!"

"OK." Lily said, much happier.

Then this morning we were at breakfast RIGHT across from a very large man with a HUGE white beard.  Halfway through eating, Lily noticed him, and said loudly to Matt and I while pointing, "Santa Clause is RIGHT THERE!"

We cracked up, and then signaled her to shush.  "MOMMY!  RIGHT THERE!" she kept saying, wide-eyed and pointing, worried that I didn't understand what a big deal this was.

It was SO cute.  Luckily, Santa Clause either ignored her or didn't hear her (or gets it all the time).

What used to be a good vacation was sitting for three days with coffee and a good book.  Now, we may not be sitting much, and I didn't even bother bringing a good book, but watering flowers, chasing birds, playing on the playground, raking the sand, eating yogurt, stalking other children and watching Santa is a REALLY good time. When she's this happy, everybody's happy.