Friday, February 15, 2013


I swear, if I just kept the girls' blog open and inserted commentary as the day went on, I'd fill a blog of hilarity a day.  


At nap time today, we read the story of God's promise to Abram and Sara to give them a son.  When we finished, Lily and I were snuggling and talking about the story.

Me:  "God did something for them only God could do...gave them a baby, even when they were SO old!  You can't just go buy a baby at the store or get one in a box in the mail, you know?"

Lily:  "No, you can't get babies in a boxes.  BUT, you could buy a baby pig, and then you could put HIM in a box, and keep him in there.  You know.  Like, Babe."

Me:  "That's true, you could.  And Sarah was SO happy when she remembered that God ALWAYS keeps His promises!:

Lily:  "I think I'd like to do that!"

Me:  "Always keep your promises?  Awwww..."

Lily:  "NO, mom.  I'd really like you to buy me a baby pig, and I will put him in a box, and I will call him Babe."


Me:  "Sofie, do you love me?"

Sof:  "Nooooo."

Matt:  "So-So, do you love ME?"

Sof:  "Noooooo."

Lily:  "Sofie, do you love ME?"

Sof:  "Noooooo."

Me:  "What do you love, Sof?"

Sofie.  "Ella.  Dous-Dous."  (the dog, and "sugar")



Me:  "Alright, Lil, finish your dinner, then it's off to bath, then reading homework, then a short movie before bed!"

Lily:  "OK!  Bath, movie, homework."

Me:  "Uhhh.  No.  Bath, homework, THEN movie."

Lily:  "Got it.  Bath, movie.  Then homework."

Me:  "Lily.  After your bath and homework, you may watch a short movie."

Lily:  "Mom, I want to be right about this."

Me:  "I know babe.  But I am right about this.  All the work done before movies."

Lily:  "Mom, I really do not want you to say that.  I want you to say this:  Bath, MOVIE, no homework.  OK?"

Me:  "Lily.  GO GET IN THE BATH."

Lily:  "Aw, Mom!  You always say what I don't want you to say!"


Lily:  "Ok mom!  Going to my bath!  Come chase me!  KISSES!"

oh. man.


Amber said...

Ha Ha ha ha!Oh my, those were so funny :) I love the bath, homework, Movie conversation :)That's priceless

martin said...

I think Lily totally got the point of the Abram - Sarah story -- Babe in a box!!!

Nate and Molly said...

The last one is my favorite!